Following the election of October 11th the biggest controversy in politics in this province has been the decision by the premier to keep the House closed until the spring, the reasoning behind it, according to the Premier, is because of the timing of the election, the dysfunction of the house, and the time it would take for legislation to be drawn up.
While I would like to see the House of Assembly open as I'm a great supporter of debate and it's something to watch on an afternoon I can see the premier's point here. I mean we're just coming off an election, we have 14 new MHA's who need to learn the ropes, we have some new departments that are just getting started up. So all legitimate reasons in keeping the House closed.
That hasn't stopped people from lining up outside Confederation Building to protest the House being closed. I have 2 questions for these people: 1) Don't you have something better to do? and 2) If the House was open would you watch it? I think the answer to those 2 questions for those protestors is no. They do have the right to protest, of course, but I disagree with why they're protesting.
To the people out there who are saying that because the House is closed M.H.A.'s aren't working. That's the people I disagree with 100%. A MHA's job is 24 hours a day 7 days a week, do you think that these MHA's are sitting around doing nothing? By and large they aren't. They're working to better the lives of the less fortunate, they're going to community events, they're meeting with community leaders to benefit the communities in their district. When I marked my X on October 11th I did so so that the candidate I voted for would represent me and my concerns in government. I didn't vote for my candidate to be sat down in the House of Assembly 3-4 hours 10-12 weeks a year pounding a desk and clapping their hands, when I think of a M.H.A. that's one of the last things I think of. Yes, having the House of Assembly is important but that's not all there is to a MHA despite what some people would have you think.
So to people I say this: Government is still working despite the House being closed, maybe instead of criticizing the government for keeping the House closed you could address your concerns to your MHA, your concerns will still be looked at and hopefully tooken care of. That's what a MHA's job should be to take care of the concerns in their district not to be sat down pounding a desk and clapping their hands.
I look forward to your comments, if you wish to reach me please do so by contacting me at
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